Classified Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Classified (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Thriller
Director: Roel Reiné
Writer: Bob DeRosa
Stars: Aaron Eckhart, Tim Roth, Abigail Breslin
A seasoned CIA hitman, who’s operated under the radar for years, suddenly realizes his career might be built on lies. He has taken orders through cryptic ads, but now learns his division was disbanded long ago. This discovery forces him to question every mission and target he’s handled, as he wonders who has been directing him all along. His search for answers unravels a massive conspiracy, revealing that someone has been exploiting his skills for personal gain. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to reclaim his life and expose those who’ve manipulated him from the shadows. Follow Goojara Online Movies for more.